InstaMeet 2017 – 6 Riders and a Whole Lot of Likes

/ October 26, 2017

The roads of the Highlands have some serious horsepower behind them. They were crafted to hug the terrain and bring pure bliss as you carve each curve. The Ride the Highlands team loves our roads so much that we have to share them…literally. The Ride the Highlands team steered six social media gurus through Ontario’s Highlands at the beginning of

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Mmmmmm motocyclettes et microbrasseries – 6 microbrasseries et cidreries qui valent le coup

/ October 16, 2017

View in English Imaginez donner des coups de pioche à longueur de journée pendant des mois d’affilée sachant qu’à un moment donné, des gens sur deux roues en seront ravis. Les constructeurs de routes étaient de véritables artisans qui ont taillé les délicieux rubans sinueux dont raffolent les motocyclistes d’aujourd’hui. Or, un autre type d’artisan fait désormais ressentir sa présence

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Mmmmmm Motorcycles & Microbrews – 6 Microbreweries & Cideries Worth Riding To

/ October 3, 2017

Voir en français Imagine swinging a pickaxe, everyday, for months on end, knowing that at some point people on two wheels will really appreciate it. The road builders were true craftsmen who carved out the ribbons of the delicious twistiness that are enjoyed by all riders today. Another type of craftsman has emerged in Ontario’s Highlands and is delivering a

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Riding and Relaxation – The New Type of R&R

/ July 5, 2017

Voir en français There isn’t a rider on the planet who wouldn’t appreciate a massage after a long day in the saddle. Riding and roughing it don’t have to go hand in hand, and this is especially true for Ride the Highlands. If you favour destinations that offer the ultimate relaxation experience, we’ve created the perfect riding and relaxation trip

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Les patios parfaits

/ July 28, 2016

View in English Auriez-vous aviez besoin d’autres excuses pour partir en balade en moto dans les hautes-terres? Vous avez les quêtes de pâtisseries et de viandes fumées, les promenades pour trouver la cuisine polonaise, les tours de routes sinueuses, les vues panoramiques imprenables, les récits historiques d’établissements et maintenant nous vous proposons les patios parfaits. Rien n’assure une balade d’été

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Logging High Mileage on the Highland’s Loop

/ May 5, 2016

Wide open roads and a couple capable BMWs made for less lounging and more miles Story by Dustin A. Woods Dustin Woods is a professional writer and avid traveller who has been a lifelong motorcycle fanatic. Imagine his surprise and delight upon discovering that these passions could all be combined through his pursuit of motorcycle travel writing. I’m sure that

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