Top Ontario Fall Colour Motorcycle Rides

/ September 16, 2019

Voir en français You can often sense it before it arrives on the calendar. Your bike knows it too. Crisp autumn air, the crunch of a few fallen leaves and suddenly it’s Fall. Some of the best riding is right before your eyes, and throttle. The Ontario’s Highlands region cuts a swath smack dab through the heart of massive tracts

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Ridable Roadside Attractions – Go Big or Go Home

/ August 9, 2019

Voir en francais – You can’t actually ride them, but they are the perfect spots to ride to with your crew. Bigger is better right? There’s just something about oversized things that grab our attention.  Ontario’s Highlands isn’t short on these stops with big appeal, so we’ve made a short list of locations where you can pull over, stretch your

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Poser les béquilles – Les 10 principaux sites historiques qui valent l’escale

/ August 15, 2018

View in English Sans blagues, ces cours d’histoire valent la peine d’arrêter la course de votre destrier de fer. La plupart des motocyclistes estiment les plaques historiques ennuyeuses et sans intérêt et ils ne font qu’accélérer en passant. Cependant, nous pouvons vous garantir que les histoires que vous apprendrez à ces sites toucheront votre cœur de motard. Traverser les hautes-terres

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Insider’s Cut to Ride the Highlands

/ July 18, 2018

Voir en francais –  Updated Feb 2024 Over the past few years we’ve shared lots of secrets to get you excited about rippin’ it up in the Highlands. Whether you’re a seasoned rider or new to the club, we have the insider’s tips that will make your trip. Check out the stories below for the best roads to cruise, places

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Secrets des initiés pour rouler dans les Hautes-terres en moto

/ July 17, 2018

Au cours des dernières années, nous avons partagé de nombreux secrets pour vous donner envie d’aller faire un tour dans les hautes-terres. Que vous soyez un motard chevronné ou un nouveau venu dans le club, nous avons des conseils d’initiés qui feront de votre voyage une réussite.

Mmmmmm Motorcycles & Microbrews – 6 Microbreweries & Cideries Worth Riding To

/ October 3, 2017

Voir en français Imagine swinging a pickaxe, everyday, for months on end, knowing that at some point people on two wheels will really appreciate it. The road builders were true craftsmen who carved out the ribbons of the delicious twistiness that are enjoyed by all riders today. Another type of craftsman has emerged in Ontario’s Highlands and is delivering a

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Kickstands Down – The Top 10 Historic Sites Worth Stopping For

/ December 22, 2016

Voir en français No really, these history lessons are worth pulling your steed over for. Most riders think of historical plaques as dull and boring and just crack the throttle as they cruise by. But we guarantee some of the stories you will learn at these sites will move you to your biker core. Riding through Ontario’s Highlands can sometimes

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Motorcycles and Main Streets

/ September 28, 2016

As riders, we’ve ridden through a lot of towns, each one unique in its own way. However, the one thing every town has in common is a main street; the street where all of the action takes place, often the heart and soul of a city or town. There is something about cruising down the main strip of the towns

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Ride the Highlands – Top 5 Curves

/ May 30, 2016

Voir en francais – The curves of Ride the Highlands are thanks to those road builders who went against orders to make things straight.  They knew that someday, someone, somewhere, would appreciate their craft.  Even though in some cases motorcycles weren’t even invented yet, they knew people would want to have fun, on the very ribbons they’ve cut through the

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Top 5 Motorcycle Friendly Spring Run Off Lookouts

/ March 14, 2016

Voir en français It feels like forever since you tucked your motorcycle in for the winter. Leaving your two-wheeled friend covered up in the corner of the garage only to share glimpses of each other as you come and go to work. You’ve logged many hours watching motorcycle videos, waiting for the time to come when you can reunite and

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