Dynamite Alley Attractions
Stanhope Heritage Museum
1123 North Shore Rd
Algonquin Highlands, Ontario
Latitude: 45.075805
Longitude: -78.710668
Phone: (705) 489-2379

Only 1 km off Hwy 35. Stretch your legs around the heritage gardens, rest under a big shady tree, and step inside to hear a tale or two (some of which might be true ...). There's a water tap to fill your jug; and Monday to Friday there's a public restroom inside the municipal building. Admission by donation. Come on in and say hello.
Open Wednesday to Saturday 11am - 2 pm
After Labour Day open Saturdays only until Thanksgiving.
Open Wednesday to Saturday 11am - 2 pm
After Labour Day open Saturdays only until Thanksgiving.